In the paper the formulas for an evaluation of a minimum quantity of moving
as a solution of a known puzzle "The Hanoi towers" are obtained.
If $R$ - is a number of rings ($2
The all solutions of
indeterminate interpolation problems in the Stieltjes class are
described by using the linear fractional transformations of the
Stieltjes pairs. In this article the all solutions of the general
interpolation problem in the Stieltjes class in completely
indeterminate case are considered. 2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 47A57, 42A82. Top of
the page.
By the Benyamini-Lin $L_p$ theorem for $p
\ne 1,2,\infty$ there exists a function $\psi_p : (0, +\infty) \to
(0, +\infty)$ such that for every compact operator $T : L_p \to
L_p $ holds $\| I+ T \| \ge 1 + \psi_p (\|T\| ).$ We give another
proof of the Benyamini-Lin theorem, which enables us to prove that
the Benyamini-Lin $L_p$-inequality ``tends" to the Daugavet
equation as $p \to 1$, or more precisely that $\psi_p (t) \to t$
as $p \to 1$, where $\psi_p$ is the best possible function in the
Benyamini-Lin inequality. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
46B20. Top of the page.
introduce the notion of a \sbp\ (SBP) which is a natural extension
of the \dpr, give its geometric characterization, and show that a
1-unconditional sum of a sequence of Banach spaces is a \sbp\ if
and only if every summand is. Then we deduce that this notion is
not equivalent to the \dpr. 2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 46B20. Top of the page.
Combined usage of iterational,
structural and variational methods for solving direct and inverse
non-linear heat transfer problems is proposed. Indeterminate
components of approximate analytical structures of solving heat
transfer problems are determined by iteration methods with solving
the corresponding systems of algebraic equations. Results of
solving direct and inverse non-linear heat transfer problems are
presented. The results of solving an inverse heat transfer problem
are compared with data for the test problem. 2000 Mathematics
Subject Classification: 37M05. Top of
the page.
In the paper
the formulas for the reconstruction of a nonlinear control system
which is a realization of the series of nonlinear power moments are
given. The essential role is played by the properties of the algebra
of nonlinear power moments. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
93B15, 93B25. Top of the page.
We investigate functions on a tube domain that are almost periodic
with respect to Besicovitch's metric. 2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 42A75, 30B50. Top of
the page.
In this note we construct a Hilbert space of
analytic functions in the unit disk in which all point evaluations
are not bounded. This result is a refinement of a recent
construction by D.~Alpey and T.~M.~Mills who constructed a Hilbert
space of functions in which there is a countable set of point evaluations
that are unbounded. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A70. Top of the page.
In this paper we receive the approximation of the
solution set of linear impulsive differential inclusion with the
help of the system of linear impulsive differential equations with
the Hukuhara's derivative, that is equivalent to two systems of
ordinary differential equations with impulses. The model examples
are constructed. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34A37,
34A60. Top of the page.
Model representations for a class of operator
$\left\{ A,B\right\} $ system specified in Hilbert space $H$ with
certain properties of commutator \ \ $\left[ A,B\right] ,$\
$\left[ A^{\ast},B\right] $ are derived. The modes of the system
of operators $\left[ A,B\right] $ for this class are
integration operators by independent variables in $L^{2}\left( D_{n,m}%
\right) .$This work is a continuation of investigations in the
theory of constructing multidimensional triangular representations
for linear operator systems [1] when the commutators
$C=[A^{\ast},B]$ and $D=[A,B]$ are nilpotent, $C^{n+1}=0$,
$D^{m+1}=0$ $(m,n\in \mathbb N ).$ 2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 47A45, 47D25, 47BXX. Top
of the page.
Results of comparative research of separation of a pressure wave
that is propagated in a viscoelastic tube filled with a liquid,
into two components – forward and backward waves are given. The
problem concerns investigation of pressure waves in arteries. The
parameters of the forward and backward waves carry information on
state (normal or pathological) of the heart and the downstream
arterial bed respectively. In the framework of the quasi
one-dimensional and axisymmetric flow models the comparative study
of the parameters of the waves is carried out. It is shown, that
the separation method gives characteristic dependences of
resistive and capacitor properties of the vascular bed on
frequency of the wave. At that time different models give curves
which slightly differ from one another. Thus, biomechanical
interpretation of the dependences with the aim of receiving
diagnostically important information can be carried out on the
basis of the simple 1d-models.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 76D33, 76Z05, 74F10,
92C35. Top of the page.
processes of magnetic particles aggregation in a layer of a
magnetic fluids which is in equilibrium in the presence of steady
homogeneous mag-netic field are studied. It is shown that the
equations determining evolution of a magnetic state of the fluid
have the solutions such as hot and cold auto-solitons. These
solutions describe generation of a sub-layer more or less
ag-gregated continuum in the fluid layer between nonmagnetic
plates. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 76W05. Top of the page.
The homogeneous Lame
equation in an elastic semi-space with a circular cylindrical
cavity is solved by means of the generalized Fourier method in
case of the displacements are given on boundary surfaces. The
distribution of normal and tangential stresses is studied for the
concrete parameter values and the boundary functions. 2000
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J25.
Top of the page.
The auxiliary
differential equations of the first and second orders are deduced
from boundary conditions for the fields and Debye potentials. It
is shown that these equations are the degenerated equations for
associated Legendre functions. Solutions of these equations are
found and analyzed. As the result we obtain the simplified
non-connected boundary conditions for Debye potentials. It is
shown that this approach permits, in some sense, to decrease of
the computational dimension of the diffraction problem. 2000
Mathematics Subject Classification: 65N12, 35A25,78A45. Top of the page.
Algebraic structures generated by the
presentation of affine system as the series of nonlinear power
moments are considered. Free-generated gradings of the algebra of
nonlinear power moments correspond to asymptotically different
controls. The method of construction canonical form for nonlinear
control system with asymptotically different controls is proposed.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 93B10, 93B25. Top of the page.
In this paper some complete
minimal surfaces in $3$-dimensional Heisenberg group $Nil$ are
considered. Stability of analogues of planes and exponential
images of planes in the Lie algebra and instability of
$SO(2)-$invariant surfaces which are analogues of catenoid are
proved. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C40,53C42. Top of the page.
We study the existence problem for totally
geodesic contact structures on 3-dimensional compact geometries.
It was shown, that compact geometries of non-positive Ricci
curvature don't admit totally geodesic contact structures. In the
case of Lie groups $S^3$, $\widetilde{SL_2(\mathbb{R})}$ and
$Nil$, horizontal distributions were shown to be
totally geodesic contact structures.
It was also shown, that there are no totally geodesic contact
structures on $S^2 \times \mathbb{R}$. 2000 Mathematics Subject
Classification: 53Ñ15. Top of the page.
We propose the solution of the synthesis problem for a linear
autonomous control system with the multidimensional control which
is based on the controllability function method. The examples are
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
93B05, 93B50, 93B52, 93C05. Top of the
The article examines
the ring of vectors defined with circular matrixes. It find
sufficient conditions of existence of solution of Burger's
nonlinear evolutionary equation in that ring. 2000 Mathematics
Subject Classification: 35Q53. Top of
the page.
The functional models for the Lie algebra of
the linear limited operators
$A_1,$ $ A_2$ have been built in the case $ A_1x_1 + A_2x_2 \; $ is
not a dissipative
operator for every $ x_1, x_2 \in R, $ and when $\dim G = 2,$ where G equals next $G = {\rm span} (A_k - A_k^*)h,$
$k = 1,2;$ $h\in H.$2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
47A45. Top of the page.
Estimates for a sum of series
$\sum\limits_{a\neq\infty}\widehat{\beta}(a,f)$ are obtained in
term of the Valiron defect of a derivative at zero for a
meromorphic functions in the disk of finite lower order. 2000
Mathematics Subject Classification: 30D30, 30D35. Top of the page.
Dyukarev Yu.M. Described the all solutions of
indeterminate interpolation problems in the Stieltjes class by
using the linear fractional transformations
P. 12-21.
Boyko K., Kadets V. Daugavet equation
in $L_1$ as a limiting case of the Benyamini-Lin $L_p$ theorem,
P. 22-29.
Ivakhno Y., Kadets V. Unconditional
Sums of Spaces with Bad Projections, P. 30-35.
Slesarenko A. P., Safonov N. A., Zarubin
S. A. Simulation and identification of non-linear heat
transfer processes in arrears of non-canonical forms with energy
sources, P. 36-40.
Ignatovich S. Yu. The reconstruction
of a control system which is a realization of the series of
nonlinear power moments, P. 41-52.
Udodova O.I. Fourier series of
holomorphic functions
in a tube that are almost periodic in the sence of Besicovitch, P. 53-64.
Leonov A.S. A Hilbert Space of analytic
functions in which all Point Evaluations are Unbounded, P.
Plotnikova N.V. Approximation of the
solution set of linear impulsive differential inclusion, P.
Raed Hatamleh Triangular models of
systems of linear operators with nilpotent commutators, P.
Kizilova N.N. Separation of pressure
waves, that propagate in thick-walled compliant tubes,into their
fraward and backward components conditions, P. 85-92.
Patsegon N.F., Popova L.N. Static
autosolitons in magnetic fluids, P. 93-101.
Popova N.A. Analysis of the
stress-strained state of an elastic semi-space with a circular
cylindrical cavity, P. 102-107.
Rezunenko V.A. Regularization of the
diffraction problem of the plane wave on the sphere with circular
aperture. Normal incidence, P. 108-118.
Barkhayev P.Yu. Canonical form of nonlinear control system with asymptotically
different controls ,
P. 119-134.
Masaltsev L.A., Petrov E.V. On
stability of minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg
group, P. 135-141.
Bolotov D., Krouglov V. Totally
geodesic contact structures on Thurston manifolds, P.
Korobov V.I., Kupriyanova T.V. The
controllability function in the case of multidimensional control,
P. 153-162.
Sokhin A.S. The Burger's equation in
the ring of vectors, P. 163-171.
Naboka V.A. About the functional
models of Lie algebra of the non-selfajoint operators, P.
Vyazovska L.V., Marchenko.I.I. On the
growth of meromorphic functions in the disk of finite lower order,
P. 187-196.
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