Visnyk of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Editorial Board (2015)
Associate Editors:
- Prof. A.A. Borisenko, Department of Geometry, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. I.D. Chueshov, Department of Mathematical Physics and Computing, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. A. Dabrowsky, Szczecin University, Poland
- Prof. S.Yu. Favorov, Department of Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. Yu.V. Gandel, Department of Mathematical Physics and Computing, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. A.P. Grishin, Department of Mathematical Analysis, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. Yu. Karlovich, Morelos University, Mexico
- Prof. N.F. Patsegon, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. A.G. Rutkas, Department of Simulation and Computer Programming, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. G.M. Sklyar, Department of Mathematical Analysis, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. O.P. Soldatov, Belgorod University, Russia
- Prof. V.A. Sherbina, Department of Mathematical Physics
and Computing, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. A.A. Yantsevich, Department of Simulation and
Computer Programming, KhNU, Ukraine
- Prof. V.A. Zolotarev, Department of High Mathematics and
Informatics, KhNU, Ukraine
Responsible Editor:
A.V. Rezounenko ,
Department of Mathematical Analysis, KhNU, Ukraine.
Editorial Board
in Ukrainian
Visnyk Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina, Seriya «Matematyka, prykladna matematyka i mekhanika»
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